Coleman D. Bazelon
Washington, DC
Practice Co-Leader: Intellectual Property
Dr. Bazelon consults and testifies in numerous telecommunications matters, ranging from wireless license auctions, spectrum management, and competition policy, to patent infringement, wireless reselling, and broadband deployment.
Dr. Bazelon is an expert in regulation and strategy in the wireless, wireline, and video sectors. He has consulted and testified on behalf of clients in numerous telecommunications matters, ranging from wireless license auctions, spectrum management, and competition policy, to patent infringement, wireless reselling, and broadband deployment.
Dr. Bazelon frequently advises regulatory and legislative bodies, including the US Federal Communications Commission and the US Congress. He also has expertise in the federal government’s use of discount rates for policy and regulatory analysis, intellectual property valuation, and antitrust and damages analysis.
Prior to joining Brattle, Dr. Bazelon was a Vice President with Analysis Group, an economic and strategy consulting firm. During that time, he expanded the firm’s telecommunications practice area. He also served as a Principal Analyst in the Microeconomic and Financial Studies Division of the Congressional Budget Office, where he researched reforms of radio spectrum management; estimated the budgetary and private sector impacts of spectrum-related legislative proposals; and advised on auction design and privatization issues for all research at the CBO.
University of California at Berkeley
PhD and MS in Agricultural and Resource Economics
London School of Economics
Diploma in Economics
Wesleyan University
Testimony of Coleman Bazelon before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Technology
Expert Report of Coleman Bazelon, Ph.D., In the Matter of Vertical Ventures II, LLC; Vertical Ventures V, LLC; LWH Network, LLC; L, W & C Network, LLC; and Spectrum Family 800, GP vs. Smartcomm, LLC; Smartcomm License Services, LLC; Smartcomm Management, LLC; Smartcomm Acquisitions, LLC; License Acquisitions, LLC; Big Wave Ventures, LLC; Spectrum Networks Group, LLC; M2M Spectrum Networks, LLC; Spectrum Acquisitions Group, LLC; Carlson Investment Group, LLC; Carole L. Downs; Barclay Knapp; and Joe Doe Transferees, Superior Court of Arizona Maricopa County
Expert Report of Coleman Bazelon, Ph.D., In the Matter of CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd., Devas Employees Mauritius Private Limited, and Telcom Devas Mauritius Limited, Case No. PCA2013-09
Expert Report of Coleman Bazelon, Ph.D., In the Matter of Commonwealth of Virginia, ex rel. State Corporation Commission v. Darryl Gene Bank and Raeann Ann Gibson, Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission Hearing Examiner, Case No. SEC-2015-00020