Timothy J. Brennan
academic advisor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
To contact Timothy Brennan, please email Jake George at Jake.George@brattle.com or call +1.617.864.7900
Dr. Brennan is a Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future.
Dr. Brennan’s expertise covers topics in both antitrust and utility regulation. His antitrust research has focused primarily on exclusionary practices and vertical restraints, and he has assessed per se rules, boycotts, innovation, and their application in regulated sectors and software.
His utility work has focused on the telecommunications and electricity sectors, including price-caps, interconnection rules, cross-subsidization, deregulation criteria, and discrimination. His electricity-related research has looked at energy efficiency, capacity markets, real-time metering, market power assessment, vertical restructuring, transmission adequacy, and stranded costs. He has also researched topics in network effects, environmental regulation, copyright, and broadcasting policy.
Dr. Brennan has been an economist in the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice and a staff consultant in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics. He was previously the senior economist on the staff of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1996-1997, and held the T.D. McDonald Chair in Industrial Economics at the Canadian Competition Bureau in 2006. He has advised competition and regulatory authorities in Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK, and Uzbekistan.
University of Wisconsin, PhD in Economics and MA in Mathematics
University of Maryland, BS in Mathematics