Mark Sarro
principal & chairman
Practice Co-Leader: White Collar Investigations & Litigation
Dr. Sarro, a pioneer of Brattle’s Data Analytics Innovation Lab, is a financial and empirical economist. He specializes in combining financial analysis and advanced data techniques to large-scale datasets and document productions in finance-related investigations and litigation.
With 25 years of experience working with top academics, executives, and litigators, Dr. Sarro has served as a lead consulting expert for investigative and trial teams in complex civil and criminal financial fraud cases and commercial disputes. Applying detailed financial and statistical analyses to quantitative and qualitative data, he identifies critical evidence used to inform case theory or expert analysis from the initial stages of cases through settlement or trial. He also helps identify and coordinate targeted expertise in cases requiring multiple testifying experts.
Dr. Sarro’s cases involve complex questions of financial conduct, incentives, and value, often in the context of fraud or breaches of contract, market regulation, or law. He works frequently with the US Department of Justice and US federal agencies, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Cases he has worked on have involved blockchain and cryptocurrency tracing, faulty financial reporting, misrepresentations and false claims, kickbacks, money laundering, public corruption, securities violations, sanctions violations, and structured transactions.
Dr. Sarro has been a lead consultant on several high-profile cases, including the Galanis, Meli, KIT Digital, and Premium Point investment fraud cases; the Haider and Liberty Reserve anti-money laundering cases; the Buffalo Billions and Calk bribery cases; Ng Lap Seng and Patrick Ho FCPA cases; Panama Papers and S&P credit ratings investigations; and the Countrywide/Bank of America “hustle,” Allied “shadow loans,” and Novartis speaker programs False Claims Act cases.
Previously, Dr. Sarro was an associate at Putnam Hayes & Bartlett and at Brattle, and a co-founder of Watermark Economics, an economic and policy consultancy.
Boston College
PhD in Economics
Fairfield University
BA in Economics
Personal Interests
Mark also does pro bono policy work at the state and local level. He currently holds elected office as the Chairman of the Dover Planning Board and is a member of the town’s Capital Budget and Long Range Planning committees.
Mark takes an active interest in household economics. His research has focused on the significance of both financial and non-financial factors in household economic decision-making. From 2006-2008, he was the economist on the Massachusetts task force whose recommendations were the basis for the state’s child support guidelines formula. He also was the economic advisor to the 2013 Guidelines task force.
“Economic Review of the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines,” submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of Court Management, Child Support Guidelines Task Force
Direct Prefiled Testimony of Mark Sarro in re Colonial Water Company, Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, D.P.U. 11-20
Report of the Child Support Guidelines Task Force