Linquan Bai
Dr. Bai specializes in electricity market and system design, modeling, and analysis; power system operation and optimization; and transmission planning for renewable energy integration.
He has industry and academic experience in addressing electric sector challenges related to integrating renewable and distributed energy resources. Dr. Bai has worked with independent system operators, regulators, and utility companies on electricity markets and transmission planning matters seeking to create a cleaner, more resilient power grid.
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Tianjin University (Tianjin, China)
BE and MS in Electrical Engineering
Written testimony of Kathleen Spees, Samuel A. Newell, and Linquan Bai before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Assessment of MISO's proposed Reliability Based Demand Curves (RBDCs) to be used to support resource adequacy in its Planning Resource Auctions (PRAs), submitted at the request of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), Docket No. ER23-2977-000.