Andrew W. Thompson
Dr. Thompson specializes in wholesale electricity markets design, regulatory economics, and policy analysis of network industries, particularly in the energy sector.
He has worked with energy market operators and diverse stakeholder groups to address capacity market design issues, auction enhancements, and next-gen capacity accreditation methodologies. On behalf of various utility clients, he has developed cost of capital estimations and contributed to submissions before international regulators of network industries.
Dr. Thompson has published thought leadership on regulatory energy policy, the economic implications of battery degradation for storage and electric vehicle technologies, and renewables integration. Prior to joining Brattle, he was a Research Affiliate at the University of California Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs as well as the US Department of Energy (ARPA-E).
Université Paris-Saclay
PhD in Economics
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
MS in Energy Economics
Delft University of Technology
MSc in Engineering and Policy Analysis
Rowan University
BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering