Richard E. Goldberg
San Francisco
Dr. Goldberg specializes in complex litigation in which careful analysis and modeling of economic, business, or financial data is critical.
His work often requires statistical analysis of market price data, valuation of complex financial instruments, quantifying market risk, and analyzing trading records. Dr. Goldberg combines technical prowess with a deep knowledge of the practical aspects of analyzing and constructing large scale data. Dr. Goldberg has provided expert testimony before federal and state courts, arbitration panels, mediators, and regulatory bodies. His conclusions are often based on statistical analysis, market valuation, a determination of policy compliance, or a damages calculation. In addition to providing expert testimony, Dr. Goldberg also consults for attorneys by providing assistance in the interpretation and evaluation of complex analyses and in preparing to depose or rebut economic experts proffered by an opposing party. He frequently provides energy companies with analysis, training, and tool development related to market price forecasting, valuation of power plants and energy supply contracts, and risk management. He is considered an industry expert in the application of derivative security pricing methods to calculate the market value of energy contracts and physical assets. Dr. Goldberg is the coauthor of a leading textbook on digital audio technology and a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University’s Computer Center for Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), where he teaches audio compression technology to graduate students and industry professionals. Prior to joining The Brattle Group, Dr. Goldberg was Manager, Risk & Asset Management for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). He has held research positions at Stanford University, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Princeton University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Stanford University, PhD and MS in Physics
Princeton University, BA in Astrophysical Sciences
Direct and rebuttal testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on behalf of the California Parties in Docket Nos. EL02-71-000
Direct and rebuttal testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on behalf of the California Parties in Docket Nos. EL02-60-007 and EL-02-62-006 (Consolidated)
Rebuttal expert report (filed jointly with Paul Pfleiderer) on behalf of the IRS in a tax dispute with a hedge fund
Expert report filed District Court of Harris County, Texas on behalf of Saracen Energy Advisors L.P., et. al., in Cause No. 2008-29241