Toshiki Bruce Tsuchida
Mr. Tsuchida specializes in the analysis of wholesale electric markets and modeling, including operations, valuations of transmission and generation assets, deliverability analyses, RTO cost benefit analyses, market power studies, and contract evaluations.
His experience spans a wide range of utility consulting projects, including the analysis of operations for power markets, ranging from integration studies for intermittent resources such as wind and solar power, ancillary service studies, operational logic studies, and analyses required for regulatory proceedings. These studies range from large interconnected systems to small island systems.
Mr. Tsuchida also has extensive experience in the analysis and modeling of wholesale marketing restructuring for the electric industry and power systems. For the US Department of Energy, he has been involved in the modeling of the entire Eastern Interconnection for the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors. He has also performed cost benefit analyses of various RTOs, and analyses of RTO options for utilities and RTO seams eliminations. He has evaluated both transmission and generation assets and contracts for electric power markets throughout North America, as well as in the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia.
Prior to joining Brattle, Mr. Tsuchida was a principal at Charles River Associates. He was also a project manager at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), where he oversaw international generation development projects and was the lead engineer for Southeast Asia generation units. While at TEPCO, he concentrated primarily on the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of thermal power plants.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MS in Technology and Policy and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Waseda University (Tokyo), Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering