Dean M. Murphy
Dr. Murphy is an engineer and economist with expertise in energy, competitive, and regulatory economics and finance, as well as quantitative modeling and risk analysis.
His work centers on the electric industry, encompassing issues such as resource and investment planning (including power and fuel price forecasting), valuation for contract disputes and asset transactions, climate change policy and analysis, competitive industry structure and market behavior, and market rules and mechanics. He has addressed these issues in the context of business planning and strategy, regulatory hearings and compliance filings, litigation and arbitration. Dr. Murphy has examined these matters from the perspectives of investor-owned and public electric utilities, independent producers and investors, industry groups, regulators, system operators, and consumers.
Dr. Murphy holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management and an MS in Engineering-Economic Systems, both from Stanford University, and a BES in Materials Science and Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining The Brattle Group in 1995, Dr. Murphy worked as an Associate with Applied Decision Analysis, Inc.
Stanford University, PhD in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management and MA in Engineering-Economic Systems
Johns Hopkins University, BES in Materials Science and Engineering
Oral and written testimony of Dean Murphy and Mark Berkman before Committees of the New Jersey Senate and Assembly regarding the environmental and economic impacts of the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear plants in New Jersey.
Oral testimony before Committees of the New York Assembly on New York’s Zero-Emissions Credit program, regarding the environmental and economic impacts of New York’s three Upstate nuclear plants.
Oral testimony before the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission regarding the divestiture of the generating assets of Public Service of New Hampshire (EverSource). At issue were the customer savings that would result from divestiture.
Oral testimony before the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of New Jersey, on behalf of Revel AC, Inc., Debtor (Case No: 14-22654-CMB) regarding the fair market value of energy services received from creditor ACR Energy Partners, December 4, 2014. Expert report October 22, 2014.