Annual US Transmission Investments 1996–2022
Prepared by The Brattle Group
Brattle analysts have updated US transmission investment data, which the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) made available through the end of 2022. The updated data shows that, over the past decade, US transmission grid investments have ranged from $20–25 billion annually.
As Principal Hannes Pfeifenberger noted: “That’s good news: we are actually investing to modernize the grid! Unfortunately, the investments we’re making are not sufficient to achieve grid resilience and clean energy goals in a timely and cost-effective fashion. Transmission and generation interconnection processes are too siloed and too focused on each region’s and utilities’ local reliability standards, not system-wide benefits – which makes it virtually impossible that these grid investments lead to the overall cost savings they would be able to achieve if planned more holistically.”
For more information on this topic, see Brattle’s presentation “Transmission Planning for a Changing Generation Mix.”