Josh Figueroa Discusses the Decarbonization of the Natural Gas Utility Sector on the Alternative Power Plays Podcast
Brattle Senior Associate Josh Figueroa was featured on a recent episode of Alternative Power Plays, “Decarbonization of the Utilities Sector.”
Mr. Figueroa joins JMB Strategies president and former state utility regulator Jay Balasbas to discuss the decarbonization pressures facing the natural gas industry, including the evolving policy and regulatory landscape for natural gas utilities. Mr. Figueroa and Mr. Balasbas discuss changes in gas service and end-use requirements, as well as gas decarbonization technology and some examples of recent proposals for the regulatory treatment of gas infrastructure.
The Alternative Power Plays podcast series – co-hosted by experts from Buchanan and Brattle – focuses on the benefits and deployment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP). It features interviews with industry leaders in the CHP space and addresses the new ways companies are getting electricity and thermal energy to their facilities using CHP technology.
You can listen and subscribe to Alternative Power Plays below.