Brattle Consultants Managing Sale of Transmission Rights for TDI’s Champlain Hudson Power Express
A team of Brattle consultants, led by Principal James Reitzes and Senior Associate Nick Powers, has been retained by Transmission Developers Inc. (TDI) to manage the Open Solicitation process for selling transmission rights on the Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE), which commenced on June 23, 2020.
CHPE is a 333-mile, 1,000 MW, underground and underwater high-voltage direct current (HVDC) merchant transmission line that will deliver power from the US-Canada border into New York City. TDI anticipates that construction will begin in 2021 and that the line will commence commercial operation in 2025.
By supporting sources of renewable energy that provide an alternative to fossil fuel generation, CHPE will play a key role in helping to deliver carbon-free power to New York City. This will reduce annual carbon emissions by 3.4 million metric tons – equivalent to removing 28% of passenger vehicles from New York City streets.
For more information about the project, please visit the CHPE Open Solicitation website. Parties interested in purchasing transmission capacity on CHPE must submit an Expression of Interest by August 14, 2020. Expressions of Interest can be submitted via the website or via email to the Brattle team.
Dr. Reitzes and Dr. Powers have substantial experience designing, managing, and evaluating past Open Solicitation and Open Season processes associated with merchant transmission lines. More broadly, they have designed, managed, and marketed solicitation and auction processes from start to finish, in order to buy and sell products such as transmission rights, energy, capacity, renewable energy, renewable energy credits, and output and equity shares of generating plants. For more information, please contact James Reitzes or Nick Powers.