Learning & Development
Brattle distinguishes itself by our focus on career development. Providing challenging, rewarding, and meaningful opportunities to all our staff encourages learning and knowledge sharing. Our Principals, Associates, and Research Analysts have every opportunity to move forward professionally in an environment where formal and informal development programs are geared toward educating and motivating. We continually provide new opportunities to learn, whether you’ve been here for 10 months or 10 years.
On-the-Job Training
A large amount of training and development is done on the job. All team members work alongside colleagues who have a variety of expertise, styles, and experience. Learning is a constant process, starting with the background and context provided at the beginning of each project, the discussions about approaches to the problem, the hands-on research and analysis, and the preparation and communication of the deliverables to the client. Team members often participate in client phone calls and accompany senior staff on client visits.
Careers Navigation

All new employees are required to attend a multi-day program that orients them to their new roles and to the company. The program is led by senior members of the firm and covers Brattle’s history, business, and vision and values. It is an activity-filled and fun time for all new staff to get to know one another and the firm.
New Consultant Training

New Consultant Training (NCT) provides new consulting staff with the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to be effective and successful in their roles. Trainings are held weekly throughout the first few months of employment and include development of technical abilities, introductions to industries and skills, as well as trainings on writing, research, and client management.
Lunch Seminars
Each office regularly offers lunch seminars led by consulting staff or academic advisors. Past seminars have covered new technologies, methodologies, or approaches to providing solutions for our clients as well as insights from client or conference presentations. These informal seminars provide a forum to share information, preview external presentations, and discuss interesting results and techniques from project work.
Mentoring Program
Brattle’s mentors guide consultants on their career development. Associates are mentored by Principals, and Research Analysts by Associates. Mentors and mentees meet regularly to assess professional development interests, set and follow up on annual goals, and talk about long-term plans. The mentor provides feedback and advice and helps the mentee determine the most effective and satisfying way forward.
Performance Reviews & Feedback
We encourage our staff to seek and provide feedback on a regular basis. Employees receive written feedback on their contributions and performance as well as on development. Mentors use a rigorous process to collect a wide range of information to provide constructive comments and guidance in all major aspects of job performance and development. All staff members (both Corporate Services and consultants) receive their first formal review during their first six months with the firm; after that, all reviews are done on an annual basis.
Individual Performance Plans
Each member of our staff has an annual plan that focuses on the skills, experiences, and activities important for professional advancement. These plans are developed with mentors or managers. Fulfillment of these goals plays a large part in measuring career advancement. It is expected that mentors and mentees will monitor and discuss those goals throughout the year and adjust them if appropriate.