Brattle’s Electricity Wholesale Markets & Planning practice has assisted numerous clients in the United States, Canada, and worldwide with insightful, rigorous analyses aimed at helping market operators, utilities, regulators, and other participants better understand a changing energy landscape.
Our work includes reviews of capacity and energy and ancillary services (E&AS) markets, as well as the design of an innovative forward clean energy market that leverages the power of competition to help achieve state and regional clean energy goals. We are also an industry leader in analyzing regulatory and financial matters surrounding transmission operations, pricing, siting, and systems planning.
We have supported clients in all North American wholesale markets, including operators such as PJM, CAISO, NYISO, and SPP in the US, and the AESO and IESO in Canada. This work includes all four reviews of PJM’s resource adequacy construct as well as serving as a coauthor on a major study for CAISO on the potential impacts of a regional power market in the western United States. Brattle is also currently supporting the New York ISO (NYISO) in its ongoing Grid in Transition study, which models the New York power grid through 2040 under different scenarios for renewable energy adoption. We have also worked extensively with the Ontario IESO on engagements that include designing a recommended approach for market power mitigation in the IESO’s capacity auction, and have supported the IESO with a report reviewing experiences in other regional markets with distributing congestion account surpluses to Ontario’s market participants.

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Mr. Pfeifenberger is an economist with a background in electrical engineering and over 25 years of experience in the areas of electricity markets, regulation, and finance.

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