Modern Slavery Act Statement
Our Business and Organizational Structure
The Brattle Group (“Brattle”) is a global consultancy group of companies, specializing in economics, finance, and regulation. We work with corporations, law firms, and governments around the world to answer complex economic and financial questions in litigation and regulation, develop strategies for changing markets, and make critical business decisions. The Group’s parent, The Brattle Group, Inc., is headquartered in Boston, MA. Brattle also has offices in New York, San Francisco, Washington, Toronto, Paris, Brussels, London, Madrid, Rome, Sydney, Beijing, and Shanghai.
Our Approach
As a professional services organization providing expert witness and consultancy services, the risk of modern slavery existing within our supply chain is low. Given the nature of the professional services the Group provides, Brattle’s supply chain primarily comprises highly skilled laborers and business support services, such as professional advisory services. Our office supplies and catering are procured primarily from developed markets. We have, and continue to be, committed to acting ethically and complying with all laws and regulations relevant to our business, and we expect all our suppliers to be similarly committed to an ethical environment. We have implemented internal restrictions with regard to who has authority to enter into supply contracts, which helps to mitigate the risk that such contracts may allow for human trafficking or slavery, and we continue to monitor such restrictions.
We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in any part of our operations or supply chain. Within our organization, we have a policy against discrimination and harassment and a reporting procedure for employees who have been subject to or who have witnessed any type of harassment. We also comply with all applicable employment legislation, including obtaining evidence of an employee’s right to work and ensuring that no employee is paid less than the minimum wage. Brattle places tremendous focus on its firm culture and the welfare of its employees.
This statement is made on behalf of The Brattle Group, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries including The Brattle Group ULC and The Brattle Group Limited (together, the “Firm”), pursuant to section 54 of the U.K. Modern Slavery Act 2015, and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2022 (the “Statement”). The Statement was approved by the Board of Directors of The Brattle Group, Inc. on behalf of the Firm on March 23, 2023.
David Hutchings, Interim President & Director