Florin Dorobantu
New York
Dr. Dorobantu specializes in valuation and structured finance issues with a focus on international arbitration.
He has testified on damages in cases before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). Dr. Dorobantu has also advised clients in ICSID, London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), and ICC arbitration proceedings, as well as in litigation cases in US federal courts, state courts, and tax courts.
He has experience conducting complex discounted cash flow analyses, including building cash flow forecasts, estimating the impact of business and financial risks on cash flows and discount rates, and incorporating the value of real options in the valuation of long-lived assets. Dr. Dorobantu has performed valuation analyses in a variety of industries, including mining, oil & gas, financial services, large project engineering and construction, consumer goods, and business process outsourcing.
Dr. Dorobantu has worked closely with testifying experts on matters involving structured finance and asset-backed securities. In litigations stemming from the global financial crisis, he analyzed the mark-to-market value of leveraged loans and mortgage-backed securities in disputes between banks and investment funds, and analyzed the portfolio of a large hedge fund that collapsed following subprime mortgage-related losses. In tax-related litigations, he evaluated the economic substance of investment strategies involving foreign currency derivatives, cross-border leveraged leases, interest rate swaps and swaptions, and structured promissory notes.
Duke University, PhD and MA in Economics
American University in Bulgaria, BA in Economics and Business Administration
Confidential administrative proceedings between a national pension fund regulatory agency and pension fund investment managers. Expert reports analyzing the economic rationale for certain transactions in Government securities.
Confidential arbitration before the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. Expert report and testimony on the quantum of damages arising from the cancellation of a nuclear power plant construction project.